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So far Jennifer has created 521 blog entries.

Belleville Newborn Photography | Baby Lucy – 10 Days Old

Lucy was so teeny-tiny when she came into the studio to meet me!  I just loved her cute little cheeks!  I absolutely loved that her parents chose blue as their favourite colour to use when I was dreaming up their sets.  Blue is such a great colour for girls and we have a lot of […]

By |October 7th, 2021|Newborn|Comments Off on Belleville Newborn Photography | Baby Lucy – 10 Days Old

Kingston Baby Photographer | Baby Adam – 8 Months

I met Adam at Lemoine Point Park with his Mom and brothers and we captured a few portraits of this sweet age.  Isn’t he great?!  Loved seeing his family again as they’ve come into the studio and met me at parks many times for portraits.  It’s always fun!  Here’s a quick look at his beautiful […]

By |September 16th, 2021|Bellies to Children, Baby's First Year Milestones|Comments Off on Kingston Baby Photographer | Baby Adam – 8 Months

Belleville Newborn Photographer | Luca 10 Days Old

Baby Luca came into our newborn portrait studio and was just a joy to photograph!  He was so sleepy and I loved that Mom saw an image I had previously created of a baby girl in a purple tulle bucket with flowers and wanted it re-created because they had a love for purple and flowers.  […]

By |September 9th, 2021|Newborn|Comments Off on Belleville Newborn Photographer | Luca 10 Days Old

MATERNITY WARDROBE COLLECTION | Kingston Maternity Photographer

Below you will find images of our Maternity Wardrobe Collection in use.  We have a variety of colours and sizes to choose from including fabrics for Fine Art Maternity Photography Sessions in our studio and we add more to our collection often.
*Updated October 8, 2021
Dress Size Small. Belt added by Mom. Wear white […]

By |September 9th, 2021|Bellies to Children|Comments Off on MATERNITY WARDROBE COLLECTION | Kingston Maternity Photographer



You are probably checking out multiple photographers websites trying to find the perfect photographer for you and you may be wondering what the differences you see really mean for your own portraits. So here are a few tips to help you decide!


When you’ve looked […]

By |September 8th, 2021|Bellies to Children, Newborn, Baby's First Year Milestones|Comments Off on CHOOSING THE RIGHT PHOTOGRAPHER FOR YOU!

Kingston Newborn Portraits | Baby Norah – 12 Days Old

What a beautiful baby girl!  I was so honoured to have been asked to photograph this sweetheart when their auntie who is a dear newborn photography friend of mine was not able to create these portraits for them because of distance away.  We had fun with the purple, pink and grey theme Mom asked for.  […]

By |September 2nd, 2021|Newborn|Comments Off on Kingston Newborn Portraits | Baby Norah – 12 Days Old

Kingston Newborn Photographer | Prisha

It was such a joy to meet Prisha and her family!  Prisha was just a tiny, little doll at her session, both asleep and awake and loved by her family.  Big sister was just smitten with her and held her so well – I think she’s been practicing at home!  I know Prisha is such […]

By |May 28th, 2021|Newborn|Comments Off on Kingston Newborn Photographer | Prisha

Kingston Family Photographer | Lemoine Point | Tito’s family

When Tito emailed me looking for family portraits last Fall, I was excited to meet them at Lemoine Point because the Fall colours there are so pretty with shades of yellow and orange.  They came dressed to impress and brought a really fun energy to the session which helped create these magical family portraits – […]

By |May 6th, 2021|Family|Comments Off on Kingston Family Photographer | Lemoine Point | Tito’s family

Kingston Newborn Portrait Studio | Baby Samuel 19 days old

Little Samuel is such a welcome addition to this amazing family!  I was so happy to see them again with their new bundle of joy after photographing this family multiple times over the years starting with big brother’s newborn portrait session.  They are so much fun and they brought all that fun with them to […]

By |April 29th, 2021|Newborn|Comments Off on Kingston Newborn Portrait Studio | Baby Samuel 19 days old

Kingston Cake Smash Photographer – Fletcher’s First Birthday Portraits


I mean when you can stand up at your First Birthday Portraits then it has to make you smile!  This handsome little boy came into the studio with the biggest smile and such pride on his face when he showed he could stand up multiple times!! It’s pretty rare for a baby to be able […]

By |April 22nd, 2021|Bellies to Children, Baby's First Year Milestones|Comments Off on Kingston Cake Smash Photographer – Fletcher’s First Birthday Portraits