Alesha and Ashley brought their new bundle of joy Avery and you could tell they were some of the proudest parents around!  I don’t know how long the two of them have been together but WOW! they look at each other like it’s new love and you can tell they are going to share all that abundance of love with their new wee man.  Little Avery was seriously so cute!  I haven’t had a newborn since June and so I was in love with all his new squishyness… yes that’s a word 😉  He was a hungry boy, like most are young and old, so we took lots of breaks and made him super happy {actually I should say mom did!}.  He was such a good boy, no real peeps at all.  Thanks so much Alesha and Ashley for giving me my baby fix, my husband thanks you! lol… I hope you enjoy just a small sneak from our session together and I wish you all the very best.  Little Avery I hope I see you again when you’re older because you are seriously gorgeous just like your mama!

Love Always,
