Baby Brayden came to visit me this last week and it was seriously AMAZING!! He is 4 months old and is the strongest 4 month old I have ever met!  He was so happy to be on his belly and held himself up the ENTIRE time, we never once had to worry about him bopping his chin on the ground, he just was a little poser from start to finish!  He was such a happy baby and it will show in his pictures.  He loved interacting with mommy and it was just amazing to see the smiles.  We even had him sit up with just a gentle hold from mom, he was that strong…And scooting all around the floor too! just amazing!!! I swear he will be walking by the time he turns 9 months old for sure 🙂  I hope I can see him again in the new year because he is just too adorable.. love his big blue eyes!

Thanks mommy for asking me to photograph this wonderful little are truly blessed with such a gifted and spirited baby! And it was lovely to meet your mom – give her my best!

I hope you enjoy the sneak peeks as much as I enjoyed editing them..with a grin on your face the whole time 🙂  I realized while editing that we were having so much fun with him on the ground that we barely used any props!  he rocked his session so much that he didn’t even need anything else in there with him!  I hope you enjoy the nutcracker shot, it took forever to edit you out of the picture lol……have fun viewing and hope to see you again soon 🙂

Love Always,

Jen xoxo