Wendy, the matriarch, wanted some fun Spring pictures of her grandchildren so the four of them came to my Spring Forward Mini Session.  To see the fun holiday session that Jack and Reid were part of you can go here.  We had a blast together and I’m sure I will see them again soon.

I’m really excited about the Spring weather that is upon us…I mean who out there is not enjoying 20 degree weather?!!! LOVE IT!!  So I wish it would have been a nicer day to get some pictures outside as well but with cute outfits like these it was probably best to keep the shoot indoors anyways.  Next year I’m thinking about going big…like the saying go big or go home…and have real bunnies for the Spring Sessions.  Wouldn’t that be super fun?  The kids would like it I bet!

Let me know if this is something you would like to see happen next year and I’ll make it happen 🙂

With this great weather comes outside photoshoots again..I’m pumped, how about you?  If you would like to book an outdoor shoot or discuss a custom themed shoot that you have had in your head just email me at info@jenniferwillardphotography.ca and we can discuss how to make your photography dreams a reality!  I would love to hear from you 🙂

I love Facebook! And I love connecting with you through facebook.  You can see the Lalonde Family Facebook Timeline here

Enjoy your pictures guys!

Love Always,
