I love this kid.  And not because he’s adorable, which of course he is.  No, I love this kid because he’s mine.  He made me a mama.  He reminds me of what’s important and still loves snuggles at 7.  This past Fall I took him out to the field near the photography studio and although we were running late on time and showed up just as the sun was going down, we were able to capture some memorable portraits celebrating his 7th birthday and the glory of childhood.

I love his smile and how he doesn’t know (or maybe it’s remember) how to smile naturally with his teeth anymore so his smile is all lips.  He’s a serious young man but when you get the giggles out, they really come out.  He is intelligent and curious about the world.  We are constantly talking about Space, how the Earth may have been formed, how the Dinosaurs may have died, and more recent conversations about the evolved form of his favourite Pokemon.  He’s brilliant in Math like his daddy but can shake his booty like his mama.  For the last 4 years he wanted to be an aviation mechanic.  This recently changed to a Civil Engineer.  He could be anything, and I would be proud of him.  He is my baby, my pumpkin, my steady rock and even though he has some big feelings that are hard to express, he is a calm in a storm sometimes.  He is best friend to Ruby, his little sister and it’s amazing to see how well he treats her.  Although they are 3 years apart, you sometimes would never know it, especially conversing about Pokemon.  Yep, this kid is going places.  Or maybe he doesn’t.  There’s no pressure.  I just want him to be.  Just be little.  Just be him.  He’s perfect in his imperfections.  He’s a keeper of a key.  A key to a place deep inside that has room for only so many and grows three sizes when he gives me his sideways smile, impish grin or even when he stomps his feet.  He is a key keeper to my heart.

Please enjoy a glimpse into my heart, for my children hold it in their tiny hands.















Want to book a sunset session for your child?  Contact us today to book your child’s session into the calendar.  We book a limited amount of children’s sessions per month to ensure a high level of customer service so don’t delay in booking in.  We’d love to hear from you!