Well here are my kiddos in all of their Hallowe’en glory!  They were so excited to pick their costumes this year.  Because my married last name is King, they wanted to go as a Princess and Knight and my husband and I were supposed to go as a King and Queen… we got a little lazy and I went with my traditional rocking Unicorn/Princess/Disco Girl/Rainbow Bright costume (basically a makeshift of stuff lying around lol).  This was the first Hallowe’en at the new house and since we just moved from the country where we never had trick or treaters, my husband was able to stay home and actually hand out candy.  Fun thing was he could see us going door to door for most of our time out so he didn’t miss out on too much.  We went around to our normal two block radius and the kids had a blast.  Ruby especially loves Hallowe’en and would giggle back down each driveway.  I think it may be her favourite holiday.

It was a busy weekend to say the least as my son Grey’s birthday is the day before…. just 4 hours shy of being a Hallowe’en baby!  We kept it low key since he’s still making friends and had his best friend from Perth come up and check out the glow in the dark mini putt place – they loved it!

It’s amazing to see how the little things in our children’s lives excited them so much.  Blaine and I are happy to be relieving the excitement of our youth during each holiday and doing fun activities – we’re a big adventure family and go to museums often, and are so excited about all of the possibilities for adventure in Kingston.  This summer with the unpacking, we didn’t venture too far but we did make it a goal to hit every cool park we could find in Kingston.  And since we’re from the country we don’t hesitate to pack up and go for the 20-30 minute drive those adventures sometimes take us on.

I hope you and your little ones enjoyed their Hallowe’en…. i know that the parent chocolate tax has been in full affect here at our house (the scale doesn’t lie)… good thing one of my kids aren’t big dessert and candy fans so I don’t feel bad helping him out 😉

Cheers my parental friends!

p.s. you’ll notice the last minute outfit change on Ruby… it couldn’t be helped when we saw that princess dress on sale at Homesense!

Kingston Halloween Portraits

halloween portrait in kingston ontario

halloween portraits in kingston ontario

Love the idea of professional portraits of your children?  You’re in luck – I can help you out there 😉  Head on over to the investment page to get started.