I was thrilled when my niece Elexa and her mama Tori flew out from Alberta to Perth for Easter and ended up staying more than 2 weeks!  So of course we just had to have a 9 Month Photoshoot!  She is just too cute!  She has these amazingly big eyes with long long lashes, that I’m totally jealous of!  Her eyes are still blue for now, but I know her mama is hoping they’ll turn brown like hers by the end of the year.

Since it was Easter we were visiting a lot of different family members, and had lots of family in the shots (Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and furry friends).  We shot On-Location in Parham, McDonald’s Corners and Perth.  With ponds, tractors and wagons there was no shortage of fun!

These are some of my favourites but there are about 800 pictures (colour, black and white and different filters/textures) that I’ll be sending back home with them.  I couldn’t help myself!

The tutu with the bird cage I think is my favourite or mayble Elexa with the flower headband and her cute leggings, but it’s so hard to choose!!!!  I hope you all enjoy the sneak peeks!

~ Jen

{Click on an image below to start the slideshow}