Sarah and Denis are getting married this September on their beautiful property, so I was delighted to photograph the two of them for their engagement pictures at the same place!  These two are such sweethearts and couldn’t be more made for each other.  They are both quiet and shy but are quick to laugh.  They love their sweet little dog and have created a wonderful home together filled with love and the hope for the future together.

We started our session outside in front of Sarah’s beautiful flowers that she just adores.  We specifically chose this time of year so they were in full bloom and the pop of yellow is just gorgeous!  They were troopers outside because it was seriously very, VERY, windy and cold…brrrr…… and they just pretended like it was beautiful spring day!  Like I tell all my clients when it’s cold outside – the camera doesn’t know you’re cold, so you have to fake it!  So I’m not sure what they dreamed of…probably white sandy beaches in a tropical paradise to get those serene expressions! lol… but despite the wind and cold we had fun getting to know each other better.  And it makes me excited to photograph their very romantic and intimate wedding in just a few short months!

Enjoy the sneak peeks you two – you rocked your session!

To see their Facebook sneak peeks and their new Facebook Timeline Cover Photo you can go here.

Love Always,
