One of the awesome things about Brian and Kerri is that they drove all the way down from Toronto to get their pictures taken by me! ….. well, not really, but that would have been awesome! haha, in actuality they were coming back home to Perth for March Break {Brian’s a teacher} and wanted to book a fun 4 month session for their sweet baby girl Quinn.  How cool is that name?  Love it!!!  I’ve known Brian and Kerri for a couple of years and was thrilled to hear they were expecting!  I expected Quinn to have some red in her hair like her mama but what i didn’t expect was the expressions she had – the exact same ones as daddy!  It was like looking at a mirror!  Isn’t it funny what baby’s can be born with…she certainly takes after daddy with that grin 🙂

Quinn was just beautiful with big big eyes and a smile that could melt your heart.  She really is just perfect – I know her parents think so as I saw the way they looked at her everytime she did something cute – which was often!  They adore her and who wouldn’t?

We had a great session together.  We got some great family pictures but I am in love with the smiles I caught on camera from Quinn.  I hope you all enjoy the sneak peeks and I just can’t wait to see Quinn again {maybe even in the summer} for some fun pictures when she’s older.

To see the Lucko Family Facebook Timeline Cover you can go here

If you would like to book a fun family session with your new addition feel free to email Jen at  I would love to meet some new families that live in and around Perth..and if you’re like the Luckos, maybe you’d drive all the way from Toronto to be photographed by yours truly 😉

Love Always,
