In May I did a call out for Mom & Me sessions to celebrate all things mom.  Moms are warm, loving and caring.  They are your entire world when you are young.  They protect you and clothe you and fix all the boo-boos.  Mom’s should really be celebrated every month and not just in May….okay maybe i like the homemade cards and wish I would get more than one a year ;p  But really moms are the best!  So I decided to focus on the fact that mom’s love to snuggle and cuddle with their children.  And what better way to do that then in bed with their kids?  So I set up a bedroom set…used the pictures I got of Kayla and my nephew Kaydan at Christmas with the same setup for examples and went from there.  It’s such a simple set and I just love the clean lines and white colour.  I also planned on editing the images pretty much the same as I would for my Boudoir images so they would have creamy colours.  The results are wonderful.  The problem was I had some last minute cancellations and only had one taker on the day of the marathon sessions.  No worries, as I couldn’t get much better clients as Rebecca and baby Thomas.  He was full of mischievious smiles and grins and mom is absolutely breathtaking!  I can only show you a few from the session as it was very intimate and Mom had on lingerie, well a silk nightgown but it was short enough that I don’t feel comfortable showing you all without Mommy’s permission.  So for now you can take a look at this beautiful boy, I believe he was 7 months old!  The absolute PERFECT age in my opinion as they are full of expressions and can sit up on their own.

Thanks Rebecca and Thomas for coming out and I’m glad your sister bought you this wonderful gift for Mother’s Day!  I hope you enjoy your images for years to come!

Love Always,

Jen {Mom to Grey and a little one  on the way! – oh that might have been the first time I wrote it on my blog – we’re expecting a Christmas baby! Yeah for us! And yeah for motherhood!!!}