Lauren is a senior at Sydenham Highschool graduating this year!  This is what Lauren has to say about herself:

“I’m graduating this year and attending a school in Florida for nursing this fall! I’m really involved in sports and my most current right now is soccer. I love hanging out with my friends and family as well! I have a part time job and every summer I go on missions trips to central America!”

WOW! She sounds pretty awesome don’t you think?  She was a sweetheart in person and rocked her session out!  Even when the other girls were goading her on she kept her model pose! lol…it was quite funny.

She is a great ambassador for Jennifer Willard Photography.  She’s bright and intelligent and will make an excellent nurse one day.

I really hope you like your pictures Lauren.  It was such a pleasure to meet you and your friends and I wish you all the luck in the world in your adventure in the states next year.  I’m sure you will make lots of friends, learn lots of important life saving things and have a really excellent tan at the end!

To see Lauren’s Facebook Timeline Cover Photo you can go here

Love Always,
