I had the pleasure of photographing the Dawes family a couple of weeks ago and it was great!  It was awesome because Carla is a photographer in Carleton Place and she’s kind of like a mentor for me.  She helps me out with any questions I may have about my business, cameras, clients, the works.  She really has been a sound rock for me to get advice from and I appreciate that more than she knows.  So to show some appreciation, I offered her family a free session before they made the big move to Alberta.  It was great to meet the rest of the Dawes brood and I especially loved meeting little Colton.  He was a firecracker and had all the energy of a 2.5 year old – totally reminded me of my son as they are only a couple of months apart.

Stewart Park was a perfect setting for our session but it was a sunny one for sure so we found shade where we could.  We let Colton run around and enjoyed the day together. Colton especially loved throwing his shoes and his dad’s in the river!!!! HAHAHA!

I hope Carla and her family enjoy the sneak peeks and thank you again for being my mentor and such an inspiration to me!

Love Always,
