I cannot believe Ruby is 3 months old today!  Time flies as they say when you’re having fun 🙂  Ruby has been an absolute joy in our lives.  She is constantly smiling and has been since the day she was born.  She laughs when you tickle her and has the same tickle spot as her brother – under her chin.  Her smile is infectious in our house and Grey, the best big brother around, constantly tries to get her to smile and helps when she is upset too.  She sleeps so well in the night….so well that I’ve been able to go back to work with her at home so easily.  She is a peaceful little girl who wants nothing more than to look at my face and show her toothless grin.  She sleeps well during the day too so I’m able to edit a lot when Grey is in daycare or at a grandparents house.  It’s been just amazing to have a little girl for all the fun reasons of dressing her up in different outfits and having mini photoshoots every week.

I feel so incredibly blessed to have two of the most amazing children as my own kids.  Both of them are healthy and happy and a mom couldn’t ask for more than that.

Here are a few recent pictures of my stinker monsters as I like to affectionally call them.

Love Always,


easter and 3 month old (106 of 124)a copy

Korona ruby copy

this is Grey’s new smile..one sided..have no idea why he started doing it but I love it just the same 🙂

easter and 3 month old (11 of 124)a copy

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