Recently I had a fantastic opportunity to meet up with some fellow female photographers from an Ottawa group that I’m in to do Beauty shots for each other.  I was excited because I wanted to use the images I received as new headshots!  I love my images!

I was lucky enough to photograph Anelle (from Kepmtville area – so great to meet her – she’s from South Africa..I love accents!) and Carla(from CP, Ottawa and now Alberta – so awesome that she comes back to work in Ontario and lets us get our Carla fix in!!!).  These seasoned photographers are both incredibly talented and as Carla knows I look up to her as a  mentor.  It’s great to meet people who give advice so openly and don’t see you as competition but more as friends…that’s how I see other photographers because honestly not everyone is your client because they prefer a different style of editing, you can’t possibly book everyone in as you can only work so much and maybe you are already booked anyways, so it’s great to have a referral system in place.

The shoot happened in Almonte and I went extra early even though I wasn’t photographing anyone until the afternoon.  I wanted to hang out for a day without the new baby in my arms!  It was so much fun talking  shop with these ladies, laughing and helping with outfits.  We all had professional makeup and hair done (which I highly recommend for any Beauty or Boudoir shoot and Wedding) and we all felt fabulous!

I had air brushed makeup on for the first time and it was soooooo AWESOME!  It felt like nothing was on your skin and it was great to ask questions about my skin tone and what worked well for me… found out my lipstick colour is Coral!! I never would have thought that at all! So Cool!  If you are looking for a makeup artist for your Wedding, Beauty or Boudoir shoot or just because then seriously give this girl a call..she is amazing!!!!! Check out One Fine Beauty – you won’t be disappointed!  And Book EARLY as she fills up fast!  Plus she was totally personable and it was great talking about our kids together 🙂  I love supporting moms doing what they love while supporting their families!

Our hairdressers were great and gave me the beachy wave hair I wanted to try.  I loved it and I think if we do this again I’ll try something totally different.  Check out Showpony for some fabulous hair!!!

(I have my own families pictures coming up in August and am getting my hair and makeup done.. i know totally off topic but I’m super excited and wanted to share :))

Why would I do this again you may ask?  Well, it was seriously such a fun experience to be in front of the camera, to get pampered for a day and feel beautiful again (so hard not feeling frumpy when you are constantly being spit up on LOL).  Sometimes we as women get so caught up on our day to day activities that we forget to take time for ourselves…I’m totally that person!  I’m so busy at work and with the kids but I was turning 31 on May 30th and I was like this is a good present to myself…it totally was!  If you are interested in a Beauty shoot (not your Mother’s Glamour shots but a more up to date way of talking pictures) just send me an email at and we can discuss your options.  Wouldn’t it be fun to take this type of beauty shot outdoors, maybe at sunset or on a beach? So many ways to showcase beauty and it doesn’t have to be indoors!

Below are a few images I took of Anelle and Carla and two images of me – love!

Love Always,


The beautiful Carla!

Carla and Anelle (26 of 39)a copy

The beautiful Anelle

Carla and Anelle (34 of 39)a copy

One of my faves from Anelle of yours truly – my new Facebook profile picture 🙂  I was going for a hippie look 🙂


From the awesome Carla!

pic from carla