It’s here! It’s here!  The wait is over!  My new website has launched and I’m just tickled pink about it.  It’s been a labour of love for months and now I can finally share it with all of you!

Now when you go to you will be redirected to a page where you can choose to go to my website, my blog site {what this will now be called} or my Facebook page.  I love the simplicity of the layout and of course I have kept my signature blue and green colours.

For months I had combed through all my client’s edited images from way back in the beginning of 2011 trying to find my absolute favourite ones.  It was a hard task let me tell you!  I have met some amazing families and some amazing children!  I wish I could put a couple of pictures from each session but I just don’t have the room.  So these are my fave faves… different reasons for them from the emotion they envoke to the colours that draw me in to the grin they put on my face.  I’m sure once you go through all the images in the galleries you will see how wonderful the images are and why it was sooo tough to pick out just a few.  Every session over the last almost 2 years (yikes! time flies!) has amazing images but if I picked one from every session then each gallery would have close to 200 images! Holy Crows Batman!  That would be a lot of amazing images for you to look through!  So to save you that trouble I’ve narrowed it down.

I’d love to hear what you think of the new site..what your favourite things about it are or your favourite images.

I am now booking for the 2013 calendar year.  There are limited spaces each month (8 spots or less) so that I can really focus on each families individual needs.  I don’t want to become so busy that I’m a chain studio, I want to develop my relationship with each family and really customize their session to meet their photographic needs.  Afterall, these are memories that we are creating and I want them to last a lifetime with a big old smile on your face when you pass those pictures in your hallway or living room.

This year also brings changes to the session structure where session fees begin at $100 for children’s portrait sessions {email for more details}.  This year will also bring different types of special sessions so be sure to “like” me on facebook for great opportunities for you and your child.

I’m looking forward to reconnecting with returning families and starting new relationships with some amazing families from the area.  I know there are some beautiful children out there just itching to get their chance to be in front of the camera 😉

Children are only young once.  This is the time to invest in your children’s portraits once a year so that you can look back and remember their goofy grins, their twinkling eyes and funny expressions.  When you are older these will be the memories you look back at and think WOW I had one amazing little child, I’m so happy I got Jen to capture that time in their lives when they asked never ending questions, explored the world and brought such joy to my life.

Have fun looking at the new website and I look forward to meeting so many of your smiling faces this year!

Love Always,

Jen and little 1 month old Ruby who is sleeping peacefully on my lap 😀


Ruby Jan 2013 - a (19 of 117)a copy