Justin and Meaghan are two people that I can truly say are made for each other.  Honestly, they are like two halves of the same whole.  I’m friends with both on Facebook so I see all their lovey-dovey facebook messages to each other and always think, wow! they are seriously in love with each other and just can’t get enough.  My husband’s reply to that would be just because it’s not on Facebook doesn’t mean that i don’t love you just as much! LOL… (insert eye roll ;p) ….. but seriously, they love each other and i’m just so happy that they are happy.  And then came Landon… he’s almost as old as Grey and has blonde hair and blue eyes just like Grey so seeing Landon always melts my mommy heart.  Landon has been an absolute perfect addition to their family and they are just so blessed to have such a wonderful life together.

Which leads to …they are getting married!!!  Somewhere warm and tropical in the new year and I was so happy they asked me to photograph their engagement pictures! They had this sunset, romantic picture idea in their head and we went for it!  As you all know it’s quiet hilly around Perth so it sometimes hard to find that perfect field to get the shots I wanted so we headed to Conlon Farm in Perth and trekked to the top of the infamous sledding hill to get those great silhouette shots.  Add in some sun flare and an adorable 2 year old and we had the perfect engagment session for Justin and Meaghan.

Landon and Grey played on the swings while we walked around (they were supervised of course) and we just had a fantastic night coming up with neat ideas for our shoot.  It was nice to try somewhere new as I am usually at Stewart Park photographing families, so this was a nice change of pace.

Thanks again Justin and Meaghan for asking me to be a part of your Wedding plans 🙂  I hope you enjoy your sneak peeks and Blaine and I both wish you years and years of happiness together……

p.s. make another baby soon so my baby will have another playmate! lol

p.p.s. Blaine says if you want destination Wedding coverage next year that he’s sure he can make something work out! LOL

Love Always,
