Baby Chloe lucked out on being the first to try my new backdrops!  LOVE THEM SO MUCH!! And loved Chloe because she was just the sweetest thing and slept like a champ 🙂  Big Sister Clara was full of expressions and I just couldn’t help photograph her as she had the most amazing eyes and sunny personality!

Mom and Dad are getting married next year and I’m so thrilled to be their photographer for their big day and I seriously can’t wait to see these two girls next July..I bet they will be darling!

I hope to see more and more of this family as they grow and wish them all the best in the coming year..July will be here before we know it!

Enjoy your sneak peeks and thanks again for being my testing family as you can see i just couldn’t get enough of the positioning and of the joy everyone had with each other.

See you for your engagement session very soon as well!  You might see me so much you’ll be sick of me by July! LOL…just kidding, i’m too loveable to get sick of! lol

Wow! I’m special..haha…anyways, enjoy guys!

Love Always,


x o x o x o x o