How time flies!!!  I hadn’t seen Dawson since his newborn session and wow did he get big!  I guess that’s what a year will do to you LOL!  Tanya and Dawson are making the big move to Alberta to become cowboys…well not really, but we did play up the cowboy theme in one of our pictures 😉

Dawson is at that age as any parent knows where they just don’t stop.  Crawling to rolling to motoring – he was a little spitfire and made a great work out for me to say the least!  Mom and family brought birthday celebration supplies and got in the spirit of wishing this wonderful little boy a happy birthday.  And Stewart Park in Perth was of course a perfect backdrop to our celebration!

He’s going to be the love of his mama’s life for more years then she can realize and i think Dawson is just as fond of her as she is with him.

Good luck you guys out west!  Alberta is gorgeous country so don’t foget to take some breaks near the mountains, they are just stunning and my favourite part of living out there.

Enjoy the sneak peeks and i’ll miss your smiling faces – come and visit me again when you are back in Ontario!

Love Always,
