When I was a child there was always something special about going to Grandma and Grandpa’s House. I’m not sure if it was the smells coming from the kitchen or the cousins that congregated in the basement rec room, but it always felt like a second home to me.  I’m sure many of you have fond memories of ‘growing up’ at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.  My son Grey is lucky enough to have many sets of Grandparents and he has a special connection with each of them for different reasons.  He’s got the joking Grandma’s and the book lovers, he has the Spirtual Grandpa and the  car lover one and the worldly one.  Each grandparent brings something different to the table and will enrich his life and his sister’s life with experience, education and wisdom.  I think above all Grey will know that he is loved, he certainly feels it now.  What better thing in the world is there to a 3 year old then playing with Grandma and Grandpa?

This past Fall after our own families photoshoot in our backyard, we drove over to Grandma and Grandpa King’s house for Thanksgiving and since we were all dressed up nice we got a family photo done and I took several photographs of Grey with his Grandparents.  These are the photographs that will Grey will look back on when he is much older and remember how much joy these two people brought into his life.  These are the kinds of memories of a playful day that I want Grey to be enriched with.  I wish I had pictures with my grandparents like these ones, full of laughter, but I think my Grandma may have been too busy making Tourtiere and delicious stuffed green peppers, oh and that cucumber and tomato salad, oh and the pies….mmmm pies…..nothing like Grandma’s cooking….which reminds me I better learn how to cook before I become one! LOL

Anyways, enjoy these photographs, I know Grandma and Grandpa do as I made them a collage for their Christmas present and they are proudly displaying it in their Hallway of Love as I like to think of it.

Love Always,


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