I don’t think I’ve seen a more smiley kid!  Myla had a full blown smile on her face almost the entire session…her mouth must have hurt afterwards LOL…. I think once you see the pictures you will agree – this is one happy girl!

Myla is turning 1 year old!! Whoop! Whoop! An amazing milestone to celebrate and I was so honoured to be a part of it 🙂

Mama had fun getting ready for this shoot and brought in balloons, presents and the cutest pink tutu dress.  She even made a big Happy Birthday sign and Thank you sign for after her birthday party.  Myla rocked out her session and was adorable from start to finish.

It’s amazing to see how much Myla has changed…I last saw her at her big extended family session last Fall and she was just a little peanut back then…the time sure flies doesn’t it?

Mom and Dad are just as much in love with her now as they were then and apparently she is just as much of a good baby as she was back then too…well, i guess she’s not a baby anymore…. turning one will do that to you!

I hope you enjoy your sneak peeks and thanks again for coming to the studio and letting me once again be a part of your families celebrations.  Myla is a joy to photograph!

Love Always,
