Canvas is a beautiful way of showcasing your absolute favourite Images from our session together.


A dreamy NEWBORN image showcasing your newborns squishy little features

Your DAUGHTER’s infectious grin with her first missing tooth

A GRANDPARENT holding your SON’s chubby hand

A FAMILY portrait high on a hill looking at the sunset THANKFUL for all they have

A new BRIDE looking adoringly at her HUSBAND’s handsome face

  A Canvas can be a showstopping piece of Art for your Home; one you will want to show your friends and family over and over again.  It will be the ART that will stand the test of time.  The ART that will GROW with your family as it evolves and changes through the years.  Canvas is for young LOVE.  Canvas is for NEW BEGINNINGS.  Canvas is for LAUGHTER and LIFE.  Canvas represents a BIG statement in your home.

If you’re thinking that you would like to make a big statement in your home with your favourite images from our session together then there is nothing bigger than a beautiful Canvas on your wall!  The examples before are all sized 16×24, a really nice size that displays beautifully and is definitely our most popular choice.  I offer canvas sizes as big as 20×30 and we can create a display for your favourite space (above the crib, couch or mantle) with multiple sizes or just one big piece.

Whatever size you decide on will create stunning artwork to be enjoyed for years to come!

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