Anna contacted me about getting pictures done for her parents’ anniversary present. I thought it was so sweet of her and her sisters to come up with this idea and it looked like Mom and Dad loved the idea too! Mom said she hadn’t had any new pictures of the family since the girls were little and now that they are all grown up it seemed like an opportune time to get pictures taken again – especially since it expanded to include Josh and his boys. It was a lot of fun to meet this family and to get to know them last weekend. Surprisingly enough we were only a couple of hours together despite the hundreds of pictures I took and different combinations we tried. Mom was quick to laugh at my pathetic attempts to get real smiles from everyone… can anyone say “fuzzy pickle?” Anyways, we had a blast and left Stewart Park to meet up with some other family members in Perth so we could take their pictures too {some are internet shy so they’re not shown}.

Thanks Anna for giving me a call. It was a pleasure to meet your whole family and a big Happy Anniversary to Mom and Dad on October 24th {if my memory is good}.

Enjoy just a small sneak peek of the double session we had 🙂

~ Jen

{Click on a picture below to start slideshow}