It was great to meet the Dowdall Family last week.  My husband actually worked with Greg when he was like 10 years old so it sure is a small world in the Perth area!

Sweet little Carlie and Tessa were just the cutest girls.  I was absolutely in LOVE with Carlie’s curls…sigh… something about curls on a little girl that just warms my heart.  And Tessa’s eyes were just huge and just gorgeous!  Greg is going to have some boy problems when these girls are older! LOL…..

I just love their sweet expressions and the way these girls just loved each other.  The ideal sisters 🙂  Thank you Jackie and Greg for bringing them to meet me.  I had so much fun documenting your family and hope I get to see those sweet girls again in the future.  A big early Happy Birthday to Tessa who will be turning One soon! Yeah!!! And your dog is just too adorable..had to take a couple of shots of him too!

I really hope you enjoy the sneak peeks 🙂

Love Always,
