I love taking pictures of my nieces and nephews when they come visit from Alberta… wish I could do more for them on a daily basis like have sleepovers and take them to the park but when they come to visit I get to spoil them a little with updated pictures. This was the first time in what feels like forever that my brother-in-law and sister-in-law were down at the same time. Usually because they are both busy at work they come at different times with their son Kaydan. So when I found out they were going to come at the same time I said I’d really like to update a family picture for them. They were game! Kaydan is at that amazing age of just turning 2 so he is a busy little guy and doesn’t sit still for long..so while we didn’t get a lot of pictures, we definitely got some good ones, it’s hard to sit inside when you want to play with Auntie Jen’s toys that you know are just behind that door in the studio lol
Thanks Kayla, Brendan and Kaydan for letting me get my Kaydan fix in! He is too stinkin cute and I can’t wait to see him next….. maybe Christmas???? who knows when, but when I do I’ll be sure to get a few pictures in 😉
Love Always,