I met Chris and Chrissy many a year ago before they were married, so it was nice to be able to see what their family has become.  They brought their adorable sons Ewan and Ethan to my studio and we just let their personalities shine.

Big brother Ewan was full of energy and I told my husband later that he was a real firecracker and not because of the red hair.  He was just full of life, full of energy and was full of funny faces to capture on film.  Capture some crazy faces was exactly what I did!  He cracked me up to say the least.  He loved the camera and didn’t want to take a break for his brother to get his picture taken, which was just fine with little Ethan because he was too busy looking at everything! Ha!  They were just two of the cutest boys I’ve seen.  They interacted really well together too, not fighting siblings here, maybe in the future ;P

I love the fireman hat pictures the best I think from our indoor time but I’ll let you all be the judge on what’s your favourite – I’d love to hear!

We made our way outside {It stopped raining for us, which was a relief} and drove over to a mill nearby.  Ewan loved the gas pump and both boys loved looking at the water.  We were even visited by the farmers dog as I’m sure he’s accustomed to diving in the water whenever he wants and not having to wait for photoshoots to be over! The boys loved the dog – we named him “Dog” as that seemed to be what he responded to, so we had to keep calling him out of the shots.  So at the end of the day we got some great shots and all smelled like wet dog….a huge success! 🙂

Thanks Chris and Chrissy for letting me capture your adorable family on film, I really hope you like the Sneak Peeks.

Love Always,
