Last week I had the pleasure of meeting the Wheeler family.  Besides having adorable kids, Josh and Jennifer are extremely talented and own and operate Little Monkey Doodles – probably one of the coolest Etsy shops out there!  Which I will be frequenting when I have a girl next {I mean I better have a girl or my son Grey is going with a pink owl motif next year!}.

The day was freezing for them but I never heard a peep out of any of the kids!  We took lots of breaks but with 6 degree weather you would think there would be more complaining – nope!  They were willing to look at the camera, and I was willing to look at some of their neat toys and pets…their dog is sooo cute!  So we made the best out of the weather and had some fun.  It was such a pleasure to meet them all and I hope they enjoy this small sneak peek from our day.  Those boys are going to be heartbreakers when they grow up I can just tell 😉  And you can tell they are all so excited to have a new little sister 🙂

Love Always,
